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Female Sexuality, Spirituality & Eroticism

Pink Tent - Roze Tent is a multi-purpose, state of the art platform with programs and online advice about sexuality, eroticism and spirituality. Nowadays there is more need for spiritual and sexual guidance that makes sense and that you can reflect on. Especially the connection between Spirituality and Sexuality is evident nowadays, as is the fine line between Porn and Eroticism, without judging they are two different flavors of sexuality. Also the deeper understanding of BDSM, Boundaries and Eroticism is a connection that is evident nowadays. I wanted to explain the difference between Tantra Black and Tantra Red and Tantra Purple, as I believe the real harmonious sexuality is actually Purple, not Red and not Pink and not Black. I recognize different shades of Purple Sexuality in my life, and seen it around me. It is colder than Red (aggression), more mature than Pink (immaturity) and lighter than Black (hardcore and bdsm). Different shades of Purple are also associated with sexuality, which is also the reasoning of the use of Purple Sex Toys Nowadays, for the more mature and spiritual inclined woman. This is not to say that any of the other flavors are less sexual or less pleasing, it really depends on your sex style and feelings by yourself and as a couple. If you are interested in a consult, session or program to understand more about your sexuality and sexual healing journey, feel free to contact me, and I will get back to you soon!  



                    Pink Rosie

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I need you..I miss you

I love to share my astrological knowledge with people since it guided me through different relationships and personal developments. It is interesting to talk and hear different opinions as to how other people perceive their relationships and how their growing curve has been so far. This website is mostly about Feminine Sexuality and Femininity in all it's ways shapes and forms. Enjoy your stay and if you have questions or want to order some thing, feel free to ask. I also can deliver custom made and work together on different projects if that would make sense for a creative outlet with mutual benefits. 

I need to touch me..

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This dance style is developed out of the need for release and recovery through dance and experience of ecstasy through dance. It is not important how it looks like parse but mostly also how it feels. Through the process you will feel better.


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Kundalini Yoga and the combination of Hatha and some forms of Fluent Movements to make different sequences. This helps with stretching the body, exercise and meditative skills.


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Combination between spirituality and sexuality. To understand the deep and profound way of sexual connection(s) and how to deal with your own sexual and erotic self.

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