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  • Writer's pictureShehnaaz IluminaVida

How the religious revolution started in my own life and what the logic feels like for a woman?

Updated: Oct 23, 2021

So interesting to say is that I'm born and raised in the last/youngest religion, YET have a huge connection to one of the oldest religions. I apparently analyse things totally different than the Muslim Arab, that really looks at their own Narcissistic image of their own religion, in their own reflection, and stares at their own story.

This is what happens when people convert to other religions, they feel lack of self esteem and low in own opinions and values. They lack their own sense of judgment, values and principles. It is not to be arrogant about your religious principles, it is rather to connect to other religions and connect to that value. This makes people in the end multireligious not so much atheist. In the real sense there are actually multiple teachers, multiple prophets, multiple leaders and multiple resources..this IS the reality, it's not just there is ONE reasoning, but there are multiple paths.

What does multireligious mean?

-Nature religions (Female polarity): Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca, Survival

-Abrahamic Religions (Male polarity): Jewish, Christian, Muslim

-Balanced Religions (Male-Female equality): Hinduism, Reforming Religions

-Super Nature and Extra Natural: this was the striving and the pushing in life, it is what people call the healer apparently, and everyone has it inside themselves they say, yet we're still fighting against death at the same time. To transcend death is the huge quest, but at the same time we know there is also a death wish in some people, because of the liberation of sorrow and sadness. I feel it is actually supposed to be orgasmic and sexual, which is the point of living and dying in the first place, and not in pain without pleasure. This is a different feeling for death rituals, the connection of staying or going, is it possible to experience orgasmic death? As if you are not supposed to feel the best feeling ever when you are near your own death? I'm just thinking about it, because it is that kind of addiction that women are not even talking about, and act in jealousy and envy about. IT IS THE TRUE REASON of Guy Jealousy and seducing others boyfriends (been there, seen that).

The growth actually meant a balanced religion, which is actually a reforming of ALL religions, which is actually multireligious, and a combination of Nature religion and Abrahamic religion (male and female religions). This is the true need that is inherent somewhere, because we constantly feel void of nature connection even though we are part of it. There are many rules and laws that prevent nature connection and people live it in their own small space nowadays.

So the true goal of religion I felt is becoming flexible, exercising flexibility, and adjusting and at the same time adapting and using your autonomy and free will, becoming a whole balanced person.

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