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  • Writer's pictureShehnaaz IluminaVida

Real Solutions on How to get Psychologically out of Human Trafficking

-Psychological Resilience: this actually can be done through psychological guidance that is actually non judgmental and without lack of skill and know how to deal with it. I noticed a lot of psychologists and psychiatrists really don't have the skills, motivation nor knowledge to understand and help the deeper psychological needs of a woman that searches these truths and these type of relationships.

-Simulation: play act in a saver environment or take your own safety into regard as far as you can.

-Astrological Mindset: not screwing for the sake of screwing with just anyone and everyone can keep your mind clear, but people generally know what and whom they are attracted to, just not really why and what is the hidden story and inner need. So the reality is there is the sexual craving, the sexual compatibility and the sexual longevity, where the last one can lead to a true relationship and the craving can just lead to an encounter. These things can be researched and found through psychology, intentions and astrology. Pathways that cross, fields that overlap, intentions that are made, stories that match, personalities that are complementary, and this can happen across borders, cultures, religions even, as long as the true mind set is honest and truthful.

-Balancing your acts and deciding your own boundaries as far as work matters, even if it means not earning the maximum all the time.

-Being non judgmental and open minded towards men helps to not judge yourself or overcome negative feelings of disappointment.

-Signalling the patterns of the following:




--Dom-Sub relationships


--Mind Games

--Aggressive Behaviour

--Manipulative Behaviour

--Any kind of malefic Behaviour

**TO know that any and every sexual relationship has at least one malefic sexual tendency, which is the attraction in the first place. We're truthfully saint sane sane insane saint in this matter.

And also reflect on yourself how your own behaviour might invite someone to act a certain way, without judging yourself.

*Obviously human trafficking is more evident in one culture than the other, so taking that into account too.

What can also work towards healing of human trafficking is: Actually Healthy Sexual Experiences that are Genuine Sane Loving Caring Nurturing Long Lived and Purposeful, where the woman is Appreciated and Respected at the same time. This is the actual craving in the end, and it is NOT REALLY about the one night stand story, this is the other side of the coin, what happens next? FF SILENCE?

People need to start talking about their deeper meaning, inner core issues, their past, their life, their psychology, their upbringing. Nowadays the cultural values make a sexual encounter really easy without knowing what you are getting yourself into anyway. You need to be able apparently to see between the lines and between the rules to know what is hidden and what is actually meant.

I noticed guys are actually thinking it is a money based relationship from the start, which is the total truth, yet there is more to love than money. BUT simply put a woman needs money, earns usually less than a guy and is the weaker gender for that matter, so it is quite fair to ask money or to earn money even. And it is her own money anyway, it is just a problem when the guy is into drugs or addictions that ruin the relationship or make it an unsafe environment for the woman. This is the problem with legalizing and decriminalizing the drugs policies.

I feel so far drugs policies can help to a degree where we're talking about medicinal drugs for a purpose, but not to legalize all and everything in every circumstance, because the whole situation can get out of hand really easy.

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