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  • Writer's pictureShehnaaz IluminaVida

Sexual Identity

"Yeah, its the sun the moon, the inside and the outer, the black white all colours of the rainbow!"

What does this quote actually mean?

-The Sun and the Moon (the male and female polarity, the yin and the yang, the day and the night)

-The inside and the outer (the inside universe in the body in the mind and the outside universe when you look outside yourself)

-The black white (the yin yang, day night, within the black is the white and within the white is the black and they are harmoniously connected to each other, different cultures, different races, different ethnicities, different skin tones, I also see this as BDSM, harder Sexuality)

-All colours of the rainbow (sexuality in all ways shapes and forms, and within the black and white are all colours together, I also see this as Tantra, Gentle Sexuality)

In my opinion the true healthy sexuality is still Yin Yang, Male Female Polarity. I can be tolerant to other people's convictions, but because of the idea of natural healthy procreation I believe still that the Man and Woman are made for each other, and for any and every woman there is a suitable man and for any and every man there is a suitable woman, even if they claim to be bisexual. There are bisexual men and women too. And a bisexual woman can still be attractive to a straight guy as can a bisexual man be towards a straight woman.

I know there is all kinds of things going on in the world nowadays, but in my healthy brain I still feel sane even though I get confronted with all kinds of gender issues and sexual identity questions.

The healthy long term guideline so far is: man-woman

Adjustments of living situations can be men together or women together but this doesn't mean it can ever be a healthy sexual procreative family. This IS the Truth so far. Also the whole idea of female figure and attractiveness is geared towards what a man finds attractive towards a woman, as is the male body for a straight woman.

I noticed this in my own life, as I DO feel attracted to even bisexual men and men that claim not to feel attracted to women in general. I feel attracted to all kinds of men in general from different cultures, nationalities and races. So it seems sane to believe in straight behaviour also for men.

I don't feel attracted to women at all as the same way as men. I can find a woman pretty and understand she is attractive for a MAN, but that is as far as it goes for me. I can even understand she looks attractive in a universal sense, but that is merely admiration and not so much sexual attraction as I feel towards a MAN at all.

Also, I don't feel attracted to ALL MEN either but there are men in any and every ethnicity that are possibly attractive. Within all the skin tones and facial features and even certain body types that are non standard "pretty" or even "muscular" but a healthy body is usually universally more attractive.

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